“我们要保留古人的精华,要体现今人的神采和文化。”——冯大中与祖国同岁的冯大中来自辽宁省本溪市一个普通的矿工家庭,但他并没有选择父辈的职业道路,而是转向了绘画,而这一切都起源于他对故土的热爱与眷恋。他笔下的老虎被誉为“天下第一虎”,被赋予了丰富的情感和灵性,在中国画坛独树一帜,每幅画作背后的故事都令人触动。大师之路没有捷径,更多的是恒心和毅力,这片黑土地滋养了冯大中,也受到了他的反哺。“We must preserve the essence of ancient art, while reflecting our contemporary spirit and culture.” – Feng DazhongFeng Dazhong was born into a miner’s family in Benxi, Liaoning Province, in 1949. Instead of following his father down the pits, he decided to pursue a career in art. His work is heavily influenced by his love for his hometown, which is a famous tiger habitat. Feng is known for his bold and unconstrained paintings of the animals, which are hailed as “the finest tigers in all the world”. 推荐阅读:“大师列传”国际版|王明明:诗心涵泳,丹青立境 “大师列传”国际版|郑小瑛:“硬核奶奶”的音乐人生 “大师列传”国际版|范扬:入古出新,笔随世事